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Self.ID Web

The module provides user authentication, data storage, and retrieval for browser-based web applications.

If you're building with React, we recommend using Self.ID Framework instead.

Getting started with Self.ID Web

Visit the Self.ID Web reference → documentation for full instructions on how to install, configure, and use the module in your application. For convenience, here's a look at what's possible with Self.ID Web:


Install from npm:

npm install

User authentication

The Self.ID web module exports the SelfID and WebClient classes. Either can be used for user authentication via an Ethereum or EVM-comppatible wallet:

Using the SelfID class

The process of creating all instances needed by your web application (WebClient, DID and SelfID) can be reduced to using the SelfID.authenticate() static authentication method:

import { EthereumAuthProvider, SelfID } from ''

// The following assumes there is an injected `window.ethereum` provider
const addresses = await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'eth_requestAccounts',

// The following configuration assumes your local node is connected to the Clay testnet
const self = await SelfID.authenticate({
  authProvider: new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, addresses[0]),
  ceramic: 'local',
  connectNetwork: 'testnet-clay',

Using the WebClient class

The WebClient class extends Core from the package with the additional connectNetwork parameter to specify the Ceramic network that should be used by 3ID Connect:

import { EthereumAuthProvider, SelfID, WebClient } from ''

// The following assumes there is an injected `window.ethereum` provider
const addresses = await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'eth_requestAccounts',
const authProvider = new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, addresses[0])

// The following configuration assumes your local node is connected to the Clay testnet
const client = new WebClientSession({
  ceramic: 'local',

// If authentication is successful, a DID instance is attached to the Ceramic instance
await client.authenticate(authProvider)

// A SelfID instance can only be created with an authenticated Ceramic instance
const self = new SelfID({ client })

To use with 3id-connect instead of did-session you would use the WebClient instead. It is recommended to use with did-session.

const client = new WebClient({
  ceramic: 'local',
  connectNetwork: 'testnet-clay',

Data management

After authenticating the user with either of the above methods, your application can perform data storage and retrieval interactions with the user based on a data model (definition):

await self.set('basicProfile', { name: 'Alice' })

Auth Session Management

Reference did-session for more examples of managing the session for a user.

// get sessionStr for storage 
await client.authenticate(authProvider, true, sessionStr)
const self = new SelfID({ client })
// get session to serialize and store 
const session = self.client.session 
// store session str