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Self.ID SDK configuration

The Self.ID SDK requires minimum configuration. In this guide you will learn how to:

  • Connect the SDK to a Ceramic node
  • Configure your data models

Connect to a Ceramic node

In all Self.ID modules, you'll need to specify which Ceramic node to use. This endpoint can be the URL of any known Ceramic node, http://localhost:7007, or one of the following preconfigured options:

Preconfigurations Network Permissions Implementation Host
local Local Read/Write JS Ceramic Local
testnet-clay Clay testnet Read/Write JS Ceramic 3Box Labs
testnet-clay-gateway Clay testnet Read-only JS Ceramic 3Box Labs
mainnet-gateway Mainnet Read-only JS Ceramic 3Box Labs

When using localhost, ensure your local Ceramic node is running

Configure your data models

Self.ID APIs are built on top of data models. By default, the SDK supports interacting with the following data models without further configuration:

Data model Alias Description
identity-profile-basic (CIP-19) basicProfile Stores a user's profile
identity-accounts-web (CIP-23) alsoKnownAs Stores verifiable credentials that link a user's Web2 accounts to their Ceramic account.
identity-accounts-crypto (CIP-21) cryptoAccounts Stores a list of CAIP-10 Links that link a user's Web3 accounts to their Ceramic account.
import { Core } from ''

const core = new Core({ ceramic: 'testnet-clay' })

const profile = await core.get('basicProfile', id)

Using additional data models

It is possible to provide alternative models for use in the Self.ID Core module, or any Self.ID module that extends it, including Web, React, and Framework.

import { Core } from ''

const aliases = {
  definitions: {
    profile: 'kjzl6cwe1jw145cjbeko9kil8g9bxszjhyde21ob8epxuxkaon1izyqsu8wgcic',
  schemas: {
  tiles: {},

const core = new Core({ ceramic: 'testnet-clay', aliases })

const profile = await core.get('profile', id)