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Deploy data models from JavaScript

The Glaze DevTools module provides JavaScript APIs that allow you to programmatically create, edit, and deploy the data models used by your Ceramic application using a script. As opposed to manually deploying data models with the Glaze CLI, DevTools makes it easy to manage more models or more complex models.

How it works

The DevTools module exports a ModelManager class, that can be used in scripts to programmatically manage a data model. The ModelManager object contains all data and metadata necessary to represent a Ceramic data model, and can be serialized to JSON.

The ModelManager helps you to keep track of dependencies between streams that comprise your data models during development. For example, adding a data model definition to a model will also add the schema referenced by the definition, as both streams need to be present on your Ceramic node at runtime to work as expected.

Additionally, data models promote reusability: a model can be created and edited on a local node and then deployed to the Ceramic testnet and mainnet with no change required in application code.

Getting started with DevTools

Visit the Glaze DevTools reference → documentation for full instructions on how to install, configure, and use the module in your application.


npm install --dev @glazed/devtools


The ModelManager constructor requires a Ceramic instance, that must be authenticated when calling the create methods: createSchema(), createDefinition() and createTile().

import { ModelManager } from '@glazed/devtools'

const manager = new ModelManager({ ceramic })

Constructing your model manager

A model manager consists of various data models used by your application. Each data model consists of one or more schemas and a definition. You'll need to add those schemas and definitions to your model manager.

Adding schemas

If the stream containing the schema you wish to use is already available on your Ceramic node, you can add it like this:

await manager.useDeployedSchema('MySchema', schemaStreamReference)

If the schema you wish to use is not available on your Ceramic node or has not been created yet, you can create it like this:

await manager.createSchema('MySchema', {
  $schema: '',
  title: 'MySchema',
  type: 'object',
  properties: {

Adding definitions

Similar methods can be used to add data model definitions with useDeployedDefinition() and createDefinition() or Tiles with useDeployedTile() and createTile().

Import/export as JSON

The ManagedModel used internally by a ModelManager can be exported and imported as JSON for easier portability and storage:

const model = manager.toJSON()

const clonedManager = ModelManager.fromJSON({ ceramic, model })

Deploy to Ceramic

The model can be deployed to your Ceramic node by calling the deploy() method:

const modelAliases = await manager.deploy()


In this example, we will import and deploy popular Ceramic data models found in the Data Models Registry, defined by the CIP-19 "Basic Profile", CIP-21 "Crypto Accounts" and CIP-23 "Also Known As" specifications.

First, install these data models from the Data Models Registry using npm:

npm install --dev @datamodels/identity-profile-basic @datamodels/identity-accounts-crypto @datamodels/identity-accounts-web

Now we can then use them in a script:

import { ModelManager } from '@glazed/devtools'
import { model as basicProfileModel } from '@datamodels/identity-profile-basic'
import { model as cryptoAccountsModel } from '@datamodels/identity-accounts-crypto'
import { model as webAccountsModel } from '@datamodels/identity-accounts-web'

const manager = new ModelManager({ ceramic })

const aliases = await manager.deploy()



npm install --global @glazed/cli

The CLI is then accessible as glaze.


Run glaze help to list the available commands. The commands for some common flows are described below.

Creation and edition

In order to create streams, we need a Key DID. If you don't already have one, you can use the did:create command. It will output a random hexademical seed that can be used as the DID_KEY environment variable or as the --key flag in the following commands.

glaze did:create

Creating a local model can be done using the model:create command:

glaze model:create my-model

Schemas can be added to the model, either by using a Stream already present on the given Ceramic node:

glaze model:add my-model schema MySchema schemaStreamReference
glaze model:add my-model schema MySchema '{"$schema":"","title":"MySchema","type":"object","properties":{}}' --key=<your key>

The model:add command can be used in a similar way to add Definitions (model:add my-model definition ...) and Tiles (model:add my-model tile ...).

Import and export

Existing models can be imported in a local model either using JSON files or locally installed packages (that can be imported by Node) using the model:import command:

glaze model:import my-model ./model-to-import.json
glaze model:import my-model package-name-of-model

A local model can also be exported to a JSON file using the model:export command:

glaze model:export my-model ./my-model.json


The model:deploy command can be used to deploy all the Streams used by a given model:

glaze model:deploy my-model
glaze model:deploy ./my-model.json
glaze model:deploy package-name-of-model

Optionally, a second argment can be provided to output the ModelAliases to a JSON file:

glaze model:deploy my-model ./deployed-model.json

This output file can then be used by the DataModel runtime.

Creating, Updating and Querying Tiles

Using the tile:* commands you can interact with any of the tile commands:

glaze tile:create -b '{"foo":"bar"}'
glaze tile:deterministic '{"family": "CLI"}'
glaze tile:update <STREAMID> -b '{"foo":"baz"}'
glaze tile:content <STREAMID>

Stream Interactions

The stream:* commands are used to interact with the history of your tiles.

glaze stream:commits <STREAMID>
glaze stream:state <STREAMID>

Pinning Streams

Pinning a stream is used to persist the data that you're creating, the pin:* commands are used to add, remove or list pins.

glaze pin:add <STREAMID>
glaze pin:rm <STREAMID>
glaze pin:ls

Example: using IDX models

In this example, we will import and deploy the datamodels defined by the CIP-19 "Basic Profile", CIP-21 "Crypto Accounts" and CIP-23 "Also Known As" specifications.

First, we need to install these datamodels using npm:

npm install --dev @datamodels/identity-profile-basic @datamodels/identity-accounts-crypto @datamodels/identity-accounts-web

We can then import them when using the CLI in a folder where these npm packages can be resolved from, using the steps described above:

glaze model:create idx
glaze model:import idx @datamodels/identity-profile-basic
glaze model:import idx @datamodels/identity-accounts-crypto
glaze model:import idx @datamodels/identity-accounts-web
glaze model:deploy idx