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Module: web

Read and write records in browsers environments.


The web module of the Self.ID SDK exports the WebClient and SelfID classes to provide APIs for authenticating a DID to allow writing records, in addition to reading them.

DID authentication leverages DID Session, which only works in browsers, therefore the web module can only be used in browsers. The core module can be used to read public records in browsers as well as Node environments.


npm install

Common use-cases

Authenticate and write a record

import { EthereumAuthProvider, SelfID } from ''

async function createSelfID() {
  // The following assumes there is an injected `window.ethereum` provider
  const addresses = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })

  return await SelfID.authenticate({
    authProvider: new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, addresses[0]),
    ceramic: 'testnet-clay',

async function setBasicProfile(selfID) {
  // Use the SelfID instance created by the `createSelfID()` function
  await selfID.set('basicProfile', { name: 'Alice' })

To use with 3id-connect instead of did-session you can pass a configuration flag and the 3id-connect network. It is recommended to use with did-session.

await SelfID.authenticate({
    authProvider: new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, addresses[0]),
    ceramic: 'testnet-clay',
    // Make sure the `ceramic` and `connectNetwork` parameter connect to the same network
    connectNetwork: 'testnet-clay',
    threeidConnect: true

Re-exported classes

  • EthereumAuthProvider from 3ID Connect


Type aliases


Ƭ AuthenticateParams<ModelTypes>: WebClientParams<ModelTypes> & { authProvider: EthereumAuthProvider }

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes


Ƭ ConnectNetwork: "dev-unstable" | "mainnet" | "testnet-clay"

Ceramic networks supported by 3ID Connect.


Ƭ SelfIDParams<ModelTypes>: Object

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes

Type declaration

Name Type Description
client WebClient<ModelTypes> WebClient instance to use. It must have an authenticated DID attached to it.


Ƭ WebClientParams<ModelTypes>: CoreParams<ModelTypes> & { connectNetwork?: ConnectNetwork }

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes