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Module: react

React hooks and utilities for authentication and records interactions.


The react module provides React components, hooks and related utility functions to help manage authentication and interactions with records, similar to the web module but designed specifically to be used with React.


npm install

Common use-cases

Configure the Provider

The Provider component must be added at the root of the application tree in order to use the hooks described below. It can be used to provide a custom configuration for the Self.ID clients and queries, as well as initial state.

import { Provider } from ''

function App({ children }) {
  return <Provider client={{ ceramic: 'testnet-clay' }}>{children}</Provider>

Authenticate the user

The module provides a React hook to easily initiate an authentication flow for the Viewer (the "current user" of the app) using an EthereumAuthProvider instance, notably exported by the web module. Once authenticated, the Viewer's cookie is set to the authenticated DID and writing records associated to the Viewer becomes possible.

import { useViewerConnection } from ''
import { EthereumAuthProvider } from ''

async function createAuthProvider() {
  // The following assumes there is an injected `window.ethereum` provider
  const addresses = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })
  return new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, addresses[0])

// A simple button to initiate the connection flow. A Provider must be present at a higher level
// in the component tree for the `useViewerConnection()` hook to work.
function ConnectButton() {
  const [connection, connect, disconnect] = useViewerConnection()

  return connection.status === 'connected' ? (
      onClick={() => {
      Disconnect ({})
  ) : 'ethereum' in window ? (
      disabled={connection.status === 'connecting'}
      onClick={() => {
  ) : (
      An injected Ethereum provider such as{' '}
      <a href="">MetaMask</a> is needed to authenticate.

Auth Session Management

Reference did-session for more examples of managing the session for a user. Following code expands on example above.

// ...
const [connection, connect, disconnect] = useViewerConnection()
// ...
// get session string you serialized and stored before, check if still valid (or how much longer)
const sessionStr = ...
const selfid = await connect(new EthereumAuthProvider(window.ethereum, accounts[0]), sessionStr)
// ...
// get session to serialize and store 
const session = selfid.client.session //or connection.selfID.client.session
// ...

Read a viewer record

The useViewerRecord hook loads the record for a given definition in the index of the current viewer, with the following variants:

  • If no viewer is set, no record can be loaded
  • If the viewer is not authenticated, the record gets loaded but cannot be mutated
  • If the viewer is authenticated, the record gets loaded and be mutated
import { useViewerRecord } from ''

function ShowViewerName() {
  const record = useViewerRecord('basicProfile')

  const text = record.isLoading
    ? 'Loading...'
    : record.content
    ? `Hello ${ || 'stranger'}`
    : 'No profile to load'
  return <p>{text}</p>

Read a public record

The usePublicRecord hook is similar to the useViewerRecord hook described above, but reading from the index of an explicitly provided account rather than the viewer. Public records are read-only, useViewerRecord must be used in case mutations are needed.

import { usePublicRecord } from ''

function ShowProfileName({ did }) {
  const record = usePublicRecord('basicProfile', did)

  const text = record.isLoading
    ? 'Loading...'
    : record.content
    ? `Hello ${ || 'stranger'}`
    : 'No profile to load'
  return <p>{text}</p>

Upgrading from 0.3.x to 0.4.x

Version 0.4.x switched the default authentication method and libray from 3id-connect with 3ID DIDs to did-session with PKH DIDs. If you wish to upgrade and still use 3id-connect you can pass a flag and configure your provider as follows. There are no other changes in v0.4.x, making upgrading not required at the moment if you dont wish too change auth methods, but PKH DIDs will be the recommended account going forward.

import { Provider } from ''

function App({ children }) {
  return <Provider client={{ ceramic: 'testnet-clay' }} threeidConnect={true}>{children}</Provider>

**Switching authentication methods with out consideration will change DIDs for users and result in any prior data not being resolved. **

Server-side prefetching

Server-side rendering can be used to improve the user experience for the first load of an app or page. The module exports a RequestClient class that can be used to fetch wanted records on the server in order to have them immediately available by the usePublicRecord and useViewerRecord hooks.

The following example shows how this can be used in a Next.js page, using the ShowViewerName component created in the previous example:

import { Provider, RequestClient } from ''

export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {
  const client = new RequestClient({
    ceramic: 'testnet-clay',
    // Inject the cookie from the request headers to parse the viewerID
    cookie: ctx.req.headers.cookie,
  if (client.viewerID != null) {
    // If the viewerID is set, fetch its profile
    await client.prefetch('basicProfile', client.viewerID)
  return { props: { state: client.getState() } }

// Use the state prop injected by the server
export default function Home({ state }) {
  return (
    <Provider state={state}>
      <ShowViewerName />


Type aliases


Ƭ ProviderProps<ModelTypes>: Object

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes

Type declaration

Name Type Description
children ReactNode -
client? ReactClient<ModelTypes> | WebClientParams<ModelTypes> An instance of ReactClient or client configuration parameters.
queryOptions? QueryObserverOptions Custom options for the internal react-query configuration.
state? RequestState RequestState emitted by a RequestClient instance.


Ƭ PublicRecord<ContentType>: Object

A PublicRecord provides an interface for interacting with record stored on Ceramic, associated to a given DID string.

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
content? ContentType Record contents, if loaded.
error? unknown Possible error raised when attempting to load the record.
isError boolean true when the record failed to load, false otherwise.
isLoading boolean true when the record is being loaded, false otherwise.


Ƭ RequestClientParams<ModelTypes>: CoreParams<ModelTypes> & { cookie?: string }

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes


Ƭ RequestState: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
hydrate? DehydratedState Serialized records to hydrate.
viewerID? string | null Viewer ID extracted from cookie value.


Ƭ ViewerConnectedContainerProps: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
children ReactNode
renderFallback? (connectionState: ViewerConnectionState<ModelTypes>) => null | Element


Ƭ ViewerConnectionState<ModelTypes>: { status: "idle" } | { promise: Abortable<SelfID<ModelTypes> | null> ; provider: EthereumAuthProvider ; status: "connecting" } | { selfID: SelfID<ModelTypes> ; status: "connected" } | { error: Error ; status: "failed" }

The viewer connection can be in one of the following states, identified by status:

  • idle: no connection has been attempted.
  • connecting: attempting to connect using the attached provider. The attached promise can be used to track the connection attempt.
  • connected: successfully connected with the attached selfID.
  • failed: connection attempted failed with the attached error.

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = CoreModelTypes


Ƭ ViewerID<ModelTypes>: PublicID<ModelTypes> | SelfID<ModelTypes>

A ViewerID can be either a SelfID or PublicID instance depending on the current ViewerConnectionState.

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases


Ƭ ViewerRecord<ContentType>: { content?: never ; error?: never ; isError: false ; isLoadable: false ; isLoading: false ; isMutable: false ; isMutating: false ; merge?: never ; set?: never } | { content?: ContentType ; error?: unknown ; isError: boolean ; isLoadable: true ; isLoading: boolean ; isMutable: boolean ; isMutating: boolean ; merge: (content: ContentType) => Promise<void> ; set: (content: ContentType) => Promise<void> }

A ViewerRecord provides an interface for interacting with record stored on Ceramic, depending on the current ViewerID value:

  • If null, no interaction is possible with the record.
  • If it is an instance of PublicID, only reads are possible.
  • If it is an instance of SelfID, all interactions (reads and mutations) are possible.

The ViewerRecord object contains the following properties:

  • isLoadable: false if the viewer ID is null, true otherwise.
  • isLoading: true when the record is being loaded, false otherwise.
  • content: the record contents, if loaded.
  • isError: true when the record failed to load, false otherwise.
  • error: possible error raised when attempting to load the record.
  • isMutable: true if the viewer ID is an instance of SelfID, false otherwise.
  • isMutating: true when the record is being mutated as the result of calling the ViewerRecord object merge or set function, false otherwise.
  • set: function used to replace the record contents using the set method, only available if isMutating is true.
  • merge: function used to merge the record contents using the merge method, only available if isMutating is true.

Type parameters




Provider<ModelTypes>(props): JSX.Element

Top-level provider component for using Self.ID's React APIs.

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes


Name Type
props ProviderProps<ModelTypes>




ViewerConnectedContainer(props): JSX.Element | null

Container component for only rendering children when the viewer is connected.

A renderFallback function can be provided to render elements when the viewer is not connected. The current ViewerConnectionState is injected as function argument.


Name Type
props ViewerConnectedContainerProps


JSX.Element | null


getCookieViewerID(cookie?): string | null

Extract the possible viewer ID value from the given cookie string value.


Name Type
cookie? string


string | null


useClient<ModelTypes>(): ReactClient<ModelTypes>

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes




usePublicRecord<ModelTypes, Alias, ContentType>(alias, id): PublicRecord<ContentType | null>

Hook for accessing the PublicRecord for a given alias and account (DID or CAIP-10).

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes
Alias extends string | number | symbol = keyof ModelTypes["definitions"]
ContentType DefinitionContentType<ModelTypes, Alias>


Name Type
alias Alias
id string


PublicRecord<ContentType | null>


useViewerConnection<ModelTypes>(): [ViewerConnectionState<ModelTypes>, (provider: EthereumAuthProvider) => Promise<SelfID<ModelTypes> | null>, () => void]

Hook for handling the viewer's connection lifecycle, returning the following elements:

  1. The current ViewerConnectionState object.
  2. A connection attempt function, taking an EthereumAuthProvider argument.
  3. A reset function, clearing the current ViewerID.

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes


[ViewerConnectionState<ModelTypes>, (provider: EthereumAuthProvider) => Promise<SelfID<ModelTypes> | null>, () => void]


useViewerID<ModelTypes>(): ViewerID<ModelTypes> | null

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes


ViewerID<ModelTypes> | null


useViewerRecord<ModelTypes, Alias, ContentType>(alias): ViewerRecord<ContentType | null>

Hook for accessing the ViewerRecord for a given alias.

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases<Record<string, any>, Record<string, string>, Record<string, string>> = ModelTypes
Alias extends string | number | symbol = keyof ModelTypes["definitions"]
ContentType DefinitionContentType<ModelTypes, Alias>


Name Type
alias Alias


ViewerRecord<ContentType | null>