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Module: did-datastore

Associate data records to a DID.


The did-datastore module exports a DIDDataStore class allowing to associate Ceramic tiles to a DID in a deterministic way by implementing the Identity Index (IDX) protocol described in the CIP-11 specification.


npm install @glazed/did-datastore

Common use-cases

Read the contents of a record

The DIDDataStore instance uses a DataModel instance to support aliases for definitions.

import { CeramicClient } from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
import { DataModel } from '@glazed/datamodel'
import { DIDDataStore } from '@glazed/did-datastore'

const ceramic = new CeramicClient()
const aliases = {
 schemas: {
    MySchema: 'ceramic://k2...ab',
  definitions: {
    myDefinition: 'k2...ef',
  tiles: {},
const model = new DataModel({ ceramic, aliases })
const dataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic, model })

async function getMyDefinitionRecord(did) {
  return await dataStore.get('myDefinition', did)

Use a deployed model aliases object

Instead of using a DataModel instance, it is possible to provide a deployed model aliases object directly.

import { CeramicClient } from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
import { DIDDataStore } from '@glazed/did-datastore'

const ceramic = new CeramicClient()
const aliases = {
 schemas: {
    MySchema: 'ceramic://k2...ab',
  definitions: {
    myDefinition: 'k2...ef',
  tiles: {},
const dataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic, model: aliases })

async function getMyDefinitionRecord(did) {
  return await dataStore.get('myDefinition', did)

Use a TileLoader instance

The DIDDataStore instance uses a TileLoader instance internally to batch queries. It is possible to provide an instance to use instead, for example to share it with other functions.

import { CeramicClient } from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
import { DIDDataStore } from '@glazed/did-datastore'
import { TileLoader } from '@glazed/tile-loader'

const ceramic = new CeramicClient()
const loader = new TileLoader({ ceramic })
const aliases = {
 schemas: {
    MySchema: 'ceramic://k2...ab',
  definitions: {
    myDefinition: 'k2...ef',
  tiles: {},
const dataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic, loader, model: aliases })

async function getMyDefinitionRecord(did) {
  return await dataStore.get('myDefinition', did)

Set the contents of a record

It is possible to set the contents of a record when the Ceramic instance is authenticated using the set method.

import { CeramicClient } from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
import { DIDDataStore } from '@glazed/did-datastore'

const ceramic = new CeramicClient()
const aliases = {
 schemas: {
    MySchema: 'ceramic://k2...ab',
  definitions: {
    myDefinition: 'k2...ef',
  tiles: {},
const dataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic, model: aliases })

async function setMyDefinitionRecord(content) {
  // This will throw an error if the Ceramic instance is not authenticated
  return await dataStore.set('myDefinition', content)

Merge the contents of a record

Rather than completely replacing the contents of a record using the set method, the merge method can be used to only replace the specified fields.

The merge method only applies a shallow (one level) replacement, if you need a deep merge or more complex logic, you should implement it directly using the get and set methods.

import { CeramicClient } from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
import { DIDDataStore } from '@glazed/did-datastore'

const ceramic = new CeramicClient()
const aliases = {
 schemas: {
    MySchema: 'ceramic://k2...ab',
  definitions: {
    myDefinition: 'k2...ef',
  tiles: {},
const dataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic, model: aliases })

async function setMyDefinitionRecord(content) {
  // This will only replace the fields present in the input `content` object, other fields
  // already present in the record will not be affected
  return await dataStore.merge('myDefinition', content)


Type aliases


Ƭ CreateOptions: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
controller? string Optional controller for the record
pin? boolean Pin the created record stream (default)


Ƭ DIDDataStoreParams<ModelTypes>: Object

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases = ModelTypeAliases

Type declaration

Name Type Description
cache? TileCache | boolean TileLoader cache parameter, only used if loader is not provided
ceramic CeramicApi A Ceramic client instance
id? string Fallback DID to use when not explicitly set in method calls
loader? TileLoader An optional TileLoader instance to use
model DataModel<ModelTypes> | ModelTypesToAliases<ModelTypes> A DataModel instance or runtime model aliases to use


Ƭ DefinitionContentType<ModelTypes, Alias>: ModelTypes["schemas"][ModelTypes["definitions"][Alias]]

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases
Alias extends keyof ModelTypes["definitions"]


Ƭ DefinitionWithID<Config>: Definition<Config> & { id: StreamID }

Type parameters

Name Type
Config extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>


Ƭ DefinitionsContentTypes<ModelTypes, Fallback>: Object

Type parameters

Name Type
ModelTypes extends ModelTypeAliases
Fallback Record<string, unknown>

Index signature

▪ [Key: string]: typeof Key extends keyof ModelTypes["definitions"] ? DefinitionContentType<ModelTypes, typeof Key> : Fallback


Ƭ Entry: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
id string Record ID (Ceramic StreamID)
key string Key (definition ID) identifying the record ID in the index
record unknown Record contents