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Data Availability

This page describes the data persistence and data availability model for streams on Ceramic.


Stream data can be divided into two main categories: commits and state. While there is some overlap, these two types of data have enough difference that they should be considered separately when planning how to persist and host your streams. All commits and state for a given stream must be available when performing writes or queries on that stream; if not, your client will return an error. This error will disappear once all data comes back online. In the event that one or more commits for the given stream were permanently lost due to improper persistence management, then this stream will be corrupted and the error will not disappear.

Stream commits

Every stream is an event log consisting of one or more commits, and each commit contains at least two IPLD objects. Collectively these commits store the data that makes up the content of a stream.


Ceramic nodes have a built-in caching mechanism for short-term storage of commits. Whenever a Ceramic node performs a write or a query on a stream, all commits for that stream are first synced from the network and automatically loaded into that node's in-memory cache. This results in the most popular streams being replicated the most, providing some level of data persistence and availability. However to preserve disk space and node resources, in-memory cache defaults to a limit of 500 streams (but can be configured to any number). Once that number is reached, the oldest streams will be evicted from the node's cache in order to make room for newer ones.

If the node happens to shut down or restart, the cache will be cleared. Without sufficient replication across other nodes due to popularity or additional data persistence measures prior to a shutdown, streams that only exist in-memory will be lost forever. Therefore, cache-only is not a dependable source of data availability for a longer period than a specific session.


Pinning provides a more long-lived mechanism of data persistence for commits. Pinning is a process for instructing a Ceramic node to explicitly host (i.e. "pin") the commits for a specific stream. Since commits are stored in IPLD, Ceramic nodes already contain a bundled IPFS node which is where this pinning occurs. IPFS nodes can pin all commits for any stream which is accessible over the Ceramic network to which it is connected. Ceramic pinning can also work using an external IPFS node instead of the bundled internal version.

If developers want the easiest way to make their streams persistent beyond a single session and more resilient against data loss, then pinning is the right option. Ceramic nodes can pin an unlimited number of streams. However, note that if only one IPFS node is pinning a given stream and it disappears forever or gets corrupted, then that stream will be lost. Also, if only one node is pinning a stream (and no other Ceramic nodes have it in cache) and that node goes offline, then that stream will be unavailable to others. Therefore, for improved resilience and data availability it is best to have multiple IPFS nodes running in different envitonments pinning the same streams.

See the Pinning guide for instructions on how to pin streams on a Ceramic node.


Archiving is the most durable, long-lived form of persistence for commits. In addition to caching and pinning, Ceramic developers may also configure their node to connect to an external service for archiving all commits that make up a stream. The exact guarantees provided by archiving differ with each implementation and service provider. For example, archiving to Filecoin provides crypto-economically guaranteed data availability with a pay-as-you-go model, while archiving to Arweave provides crypto-economically guaranteed data availability with a one-time payment model. Conversely, archiving to Amazon S3 provides a simpler model however Amazon cannot guarantee that your data will always be available (for example you could stop paying your bill), but the storage is still more resilient than using pinning and caching only.

Stream state

In addition to the commit log mentioned above which is stored in IPFS, every stream has a state which is not stored in IPFS but rather is collectively tracked, persisted, and made available by all Ceramic nodes that are caching and/or pinning the stream. Both the complete commit history and the state are needed to successfully load and interact with streams.


State caching works the same as commit caching.


State pinning works the same as commit pinning, except state pinning does not occur on IPFS. State pinning simply occurs in a database internal to the Ceramic node.


Ceramic is working on a durable, decentralized state store which will be used to persist and guarantee availability for the state of streams. This is on the roadmap. It's not critical to the immediate use of Ceramic, but will serve to make state more resilient and available. In the meantime, Ceramic supports archiving state to Amazon S3, for an option with more durability and reliability than the local database used by default.