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Learn the basics by setting up and interacting with the Ceramic Javascript Client.

Want an even faster way to try Ceramic? Visit the Playground Demo App to test the full stack of Ceramic components in the browser.

1. Install the Client


If you're using this quickstart anywhere but the Ceramic Playground you'll need to authenticate your Ceramic instance. This is a process that's dependent on your setup so we recommend taking a look at our authentication section to ensure you don't have any issues following along.

Visit the Ceramic Client page for instructions on how to quickly install the Client.

2. Create a stream

Creating streams is dependent on the StreamType. More details can be found in our StreamTypes Overview. A basic sample using the TileDocument StreamType can be found below.

import { TileDocument } from '@ceramicnetwork/stream-tile'

const doc = await TileDocument.create(ceramic, {hello: 'world'})


const streamId =
  hello: 'world'

3. Query a stream

Use the load() function to query the current state of a stream. You will need to provide it's StreamID.

const streamId = "kjzl...g8qa"
const doc = await TileDocument.load(ceramic, streamId)


4. Update a stream

Use the update command to update a stream. your DID must be in the controller of the stream in order to update it.

const streamId = "kjzl...g8qa"
const doc = await TileDocument.load(ceramic, streamId)

await doc.update(newContent, newMeta)

In the following example we update a TileDocuments' content while also giving it a tag.

const streamId = "kjzl...g8qa"
const doc = await TileDocument.load(ceramic, streamId)

await doc.update({foo: 'baz'}, {tags: ['baz']})

5. Create a schema

TileDocuments can enforce that their contents adhere to a specified schema. The schemas themselves are TileDocuments where the content is a json-schema. For example we can create a schema that requires a TileDocument to have a title and a message.

const schema = {
  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Reward",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "title": { "type": "string" },
    "message": { "type": "string" }
  "required": [
const metadata = {
  controllers: [] // this will set yourself as the controller of the schema
const rewardSchema = await TileDocument.create(ceramic, schema, metadata)

6. Create a TileDocument stream that uses a schema

First, use the rewardSchema.commitId.toString() to get the current CommitID of the schema stream. When creating a TileDocument that uses this schema you need to use a CommitID instead of the StreamID. This is to enforce that we are using a specific version of the schema since the schema stream is mutable and can be updated.

  const reward = await TileDocument.create(ceramic, {
    title: 'Hello',
    message: 'world!'
  }, {
    controllers: [],
    family: 'Rewards',
    schema: rewardSchema.commitId.toString(),

7. Inspect the state of the stream you created

Use reward.state to query the state of the TileDocument we just created. We can see that the schema is set to the correct CommitID.

  anchorStatus: 1,
  content: {
    message: "world!",
    title: "Hello"
    controllers: [
    family: "Rewards"
    schema: "k3y5...50jk"
    unique: "/mNCNLFt+1a0nqgL"

That's it!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial! You're well on your way to becoming a Ceramic developer. Now let's install Ceramic in your project or take a look at Self.ID, a framework for interacting with Streams.